BLOG: Go to for pictures
and notes about out events. The blog will change from time to time, so check it frequently.
Adding Events to the Second Chancers Calendar:
Potential New Members: Attending our Regular Membership Dinners is a good way to get to know our members and for us to get to know you. We require that
you attend at least one Regular Membership Dinner before attending any other event. Our Regular Membership Dinners are the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month (weather permitting), except
for November and December, when dinners are only scheduled for the 2nd Thursday of the month due to holidays. Locations for the dinners will vary. Please read
the Membership Requirements and Information at the bottom of this page for more details, and to find out
if this is a group you would like to join.
Current Members: If you have an event that you would like to put on the calendar (movies, plays, concerts, day trips, boating, festivals, etc.) please
email your event to George Spiers at, and he will post it on the calendar. Once the event is posted, you may find that other members will want to join you. We will copy and insert your
event into the calendar. We need: day, date, time, address, phone number, the cost to attend, a complete description, a web site address of the event (if available), and your RSVP email
address. It may be easier to ask another person to co-sponsor an event with you, especially if you are a new member, but co-sponsors are not required (ask George for help).
85 Forest Drive, Annapolis, MD 21012 (Forrest Plaza w Home Depot, Outback, etc.)
Phone: 410-266-7580
Large parking lot in front
Join us for our Membership HOLIDAY DINNER at the Killarney on Thursday,
January 23rd, 2 pm. Please check the restaurant's website for selections and
prices, and be prepared to pay by cash, but will likely do separate checks.
Please RSVP to Charlotte Sazama at
no later than Tuesday February 11th, if you plan to attend.
The DINNER will be open to potential new members and limited to18
NOTES ABOUT THE Reservations: Generally reservations are in my name SPIERS, because often when you try to reserve for a group, they start talking about banquet menus, special charges, etc. Tuesday I checked out Stoney River at the mall. They wanted an $1100.00 minimum for our group.
Of course told them that would not work for us. Now you know why the reservation is not in Second Chancers name.
The Second Chancers social group is for people age 60 or over who are single, widowed, or divorced.
The concept behind this group is to provide a method (our calendar) for members to post an event they are interested in attending with other members of our group. For example, movies,
dining out, pot-lucks, dances, concerts, plays, shows, day trips, sporting events, or anything of interest. The purpose is to (hopefully) find other members who might enjoy attending the event
with you.
Our group provides a "Second Chance" to continue going to the places and events you enjoyed before a divorce or death of a loved one - rather than staying at home because you have no one to
go with, or because most of your friends are couples and are involved in their own lives. We are offering a forum where you might encourage others you have met in our group to join you in the
continuation of the fun things you like to do.
Attending our Regular Membership Dinners is a good way to get to know our members. If there is an event you want posted on the calendar, please email the details (day, date, time, location, address,
phone number, website link, the cost to attend, a brief description, and your email address for RSVPs) to George Spiers at at any time, and it will be put on our Calendar. If
other members would like to attend the event, they will RSVP to you and you can make arrangements to meet them and/or to car pool to the event, if possible. Even if only one person
responds, your event was a success! As you get to know people in our group, you may find someone willing to co-sponsor events with you if that would be easier for you.
We are a member-driven group. We do not have a committee that provides events for you, just a couple of volunteers
who arrange the bi-monthly member dinners (for which we appreciate suggestions), take care of the website and other administrative duties. Members are expected to
sponsor events on a regular basis.
If you are considering joining our group please be aware of the following:
For more information please send an email to .